Tina Parker: Loving Loud Leader
One of Tina’s favorite themes is the “less desirable qualities” found in children can be molded into their finest attributes when nurtured by loving parents in a Christian home. This is certainly true of Tina; growing up with the “less than desirable quality” of being loud and talkative. As an adult growing in the Lord, the greatest compliment she has ever received is that she “loves people loud.” This has been one of the driving forces in forming Imago Dei Ministries. Tina enjoys being her husband, Bryan’s, number one fan, mothering their three children and making herself available to God. She has an overwhelming love for any type of athletic endeavor. Her biggest accomplishments have been running marathons,competing in triathlons and adventure racing. Several years ago a friend spoke Romans 10:14-15 over Tina’s life.“How then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the the one whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone teaching them? And how can they preach if they are not sent? As it is written, how beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.” Tina has determined this to be her life verse as she walks out the places God has called her to. She continues to seek His best for her life and Imago Dei Ministries with a wonderful mix of exuberance and humility. Tina’s obedience to walk out God’s vision for Imago Dei ministries and her heart for women to have revelation knowledge of their true images are the threads that bind together all the facets of Imago Dei ministries.

Karen Simmons: Body Enrichment Enthusiast
Karen is the proud and happy wife of Matthew. She has four fun, energetic boys that are “ALL boy”. She loves staying home with them and is a fitness trainer in her “spare time”. Karen likes to refer to Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through CHRIST who strengthens me.” She comments, “Stop relying on YOU. Christ can make you so much more, whether during your workout or in everyday life!” Karen is honored to share her gift of encouragement and enthusiasm with Imago Dei. She has a deep passion to encourage individuals that struggle to see what and who they are made for. She likes to push individuals out of their comfort zone so that they can become the salt of the world, in Christ! He gives her a sweet innocent spirit, bringing lots of love to the Imago Dei leadership team.
Gwynn Smithdeal: Queen of Administration
Gwynn is Trip’s wife and mother of three. Her hobbies center on her family and friends, reading talking with close friends and exercising. She feels that her life is defined by Psalm 27:4. “One thing I desired of the Lord and that will I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon His beauty and to seek Him in His temple.” Gwynn states “To experience the Lord’s hand upon Imago Dei has been an amazing thing. I am excited to be part of a vision of showering women with our Father’s love. I have been amazed at where He has brought this ministry thus far and wait with excitement for what lies in Imago Dei’s future.” Gwynn’s gifts of planning and organizing are amazing assets but the greatest gifts she brings to Imago Dei are her strong faith and her sense of God as a loving, generous Father.

Mary Elizabeth has a heart and passion for children and is Imago Dei’s Childcare Coordinator. She has stepped out of the classroom in this season to devote her time and energy to her family. She is a happily married mother of 3 (Jacob, Allie Sutton and Reynolds) and the proud wife of Brian. Mary Elizabeth spends her days mothering their children while still making time for hobbies including reading, exercising, spending time with family and friends and seeking the Lord. She knows God is a part of her busy life and has come to rely on this verse, “Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD.” Psalm 31:24. No matter what comes her way, she is reminded to stay strong and have hope in our Father for He is our great strength and protector. Mary Elizabeth is overjoyed to be a part of Imago Dei and the Leadership team. “Imago dei is my retreat where I recharge and refocus my life on our one true God. I am so thankful for a fellowship of women that is uplifting, welcoming and ready to point our mind, body and soul to Christ.”

Ryan Leigh joined the leadership team in the summer of 2017. She is married to Joe, whom she met in college, and they are parents to Jonah and Maggie. When she isn’t shuttling her kids or working as a “professional volunteer,” she enjoys sewing, tending to her small flock of chickens, and camping (especially with their dog, Penny). Content to be a behind-the-scenes gal, Ryan Leigh enjoys spending time with friends one-on-one or in small groups. When she sought to deepen her relationship with the Lord, she and a few friends went back to basics with a “Bible 101” study that they took turns leading. She came to her first Imago Dei study in 2005, and has attended Image Quest, Silent Retreat, Divine Dining, and other IDAs. After focusing on Philippians 4:13 during a particularly difficult season of life, Ryan Leigh has continued to lean on it often as a reminder of God’s faithfulness.

Barbara has been married to Brian for the past 28 years (yes “Brian” is a popular Imago Dei husband name!). She has two grown daughters—one of which wants to be become a vet and the other who is a meteorologist (whom she hopes can give us accurate forecasts for all Imago Dei events). Barbara works for a local technology company as their Vice President of Human Resources. She joined Imago Dei during their first Bible study after meeting Tina through their daughters’ cheerleading activities. She credits Imago Dei with not only deepening her walk with the Lord, but in establishing healthy, supportive relationships with other women. She believes that like Colossians 3:12-14, Imago Dei’s encouragement and welcoming phrase, “just come” are words that build relationships and strengthens sisterhood in Christ.

We believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins. There is only one true God and that the bible is the one Truth. It is God breathed. God moves through the trinity which is God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. You must do only one thing to receive Jesus as your Savior. We are sinners in need of a Savior and we cannot do this on our own. Once we receive God’s grace through accepting Jesus and believing in faith that He died on the cross for our sins then your salvation is sealed and you will spend eternity in Heaven. While we know that faith is not based on works so that no man can boast, we love that the Word also says that we do not light a light and then hide it. We put it on a hill so that all can see and praise our Father in Heaven. We desire to help women understand that there is so much more of experiencing the Trinity while still here on the earth. The majority of women who claim to be believers are missing this better part. This is our passion, that we would change the world starting in our own homes, communities, cities and states so that women would begin seeing their Image in what it was meant to be, in the image of God.
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