Yes, a resounding Yes, there is!

IMAGE QUEST is a journey to recapture the hearts of women for Jesus.
He is the only one who can still our longings, answer our questions and truly define us. As we take up this journey, we will be opening up ourselves in many aspects. As women, we will engage in an experience that in many ways will require our all.
We will take to Jesus the questions attached so tightly to our souls.
- Am I worthy?
- Am I beautiful?
- Do I have what it takes?
- Am I enough?
- Am I truly destined for the daring adventure I so desire?
IMAGO DEI IMAGE QUEST WEEKEND is a weekend event that offers every woman the opportunity to invite Jesus to meet her where she is and allow Him to reveal the answers to her deepest desires and questions. Come and be transformed as He imparts to you your true identity and image! Come, Just as you are!
This is a weekend where God is sought and adventure is pursued in a safe non-competitive environment.
Come experience an Image Quest weekend, an all inclusive weekend!
Lodging, meals and adventures are all part of the package. Each weekend includes adventures appropriate for the season and venue in which the weekend takes place. We will also have anointed teaching in our Gatherings, informative “Nuggets”, and new levels of intimacy with our Heavenly Father, our Image-Maker and Creator. We will wait with expectant hearts for God to meet us in the midst of our adventure and reveal to us the beautiful image He sees when He looks upon us.